At 5 Months, Lydia...
- Weighs about 14 pounds and 6 ounces
- Measures about 26 ish inches long
- Wears size 2 diapers, 6 month clothing, and 9 month jammies.
- Eyes are starting to turn hazel instead of blue.
- Started rolling from her back to her tummy. She did this for the first time on March 14th.
- Has two teeth (bottom central incisors)! Her first tooth (bottom, left central incisor) broke through on March 18th, and the right one followed on March 28th. Poor Lydia was miserable while cutting these two teeth. Our typically happy girl was fussy, restless, and rarely smiled. We had some awful week of sleepless nights. Whew! Two down, eighteen to go!
- Loves watching Jacob and constantly laughs at him!
- Has started crying when Mommy goes out of sight and has started to realize when she's handed off to someone she doesn't know.
- Loves her poppy! (What a lifesaver for Mommy!)
- Swings/waves her toys around and often hits herself in the face.
- Loves being outside and going for stroller rides.
- Loves her soft bunny, crinkly book, and teething toys.
- Tends to take two short morning naps (about 30 - 45 minutes) and a longer afternoon nap. Some like to say the second kid can sleep through anything, specifically the first kid, and that babies adapt to noise, but that is definitely NOT the case with Lydia. Her naps are constantly cut short by Jacob's noise!
- FINALLY drinks from a bottle! I had pretty much given up hope that this would ever happen...until she started biting me with her sharp little teeth! She bit me so hard a few times that she drew blood. Ouch! So on a whim, I gave her formula in a bottle, and she drank it like she has been doing it from day one! This is such a relief and answered prayer! Not only does it free me up a bit and keep me from being chomped on, but it also makes my day 100× easier. Aside from the biting, it was becoming increasingly difficult to nurse Lydia with Jacob around. He's very distracting and suddenly demanding all my attention the minute I sit down to feed her. Plus, she never nurses well unless we are at home - inside, so it is very limiting. I still nurse her during the night and at nap time, but give her bottles of either formula or expressed milk during the day.
- Has started making the "ma-ma-ma" sound!
Jacob decided to get in on the picture action! He loves his "Baby Girl"!
I love this picture! Lydia watches every move Jacob makes. She wants to play with him so badly!