Tuesday, May 17, 2016

♡ Mother's Day ♡

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! On Saturday, Scott took care of the kids so I could leave the house by myself! I love my children and enjoy taking them places, but it's a lot of work! It was a treat to just walk out the door, get in the car, and go!

On Sunday, while the kids and I took at nap in the afternoon, Scott planted some flowers for me in our front flower bed. Then we finished out the day with ice cream. It was perfect!

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be a mother. It is an incredible honor, and I pray for the strength, wisdom, and sense of humor to handle each day. My children push me to be better. They make me dig deep for patience and grace that only God can give. Loving them gives me a small glimpse of His love for me.

I am so thankful for my mom. She is such a great example of love, selflessness, and devotion. Since becoming a mother myself, I better understand, and more fully appreciate, all the sacrifices she has made throughout my life. I'm so grateful for all the ways she supports and encourages me in my role as a mother and for the relationship she has with my children. I could never thank her enough for all she's done and continues to do!

Aside from Mother's Day, the other big event of the week was Lydia starting solid foods! So far she's had bananas and a section of my grocery list...

She seems to like eating and really loves her spoon. She ended up holding it all evening after her first "meal" and even took it in her bath!

Jacob was excited about the whole ordeal and pretended to take pictures and videos with his phone. After Lydia was done, he decided it was time for Monkey to start solids, as well!

And finally, a few other pictures from our week...

Jacob started requesting to watch "Handy Manny" again and has found a renewed love for his tools. In case you're wondering, those are "work gloves," not snow mittens!

We had some chilly weather last week, but still made it outside. Believe it or not, Jacob is actually smiling for the picture!

We started cleaning up for Jacob's birthday party pretty far in advance. It's so nice to have little helpers, but chores take a little while longer to finish!

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