Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Big Kid Beds!

These two keep growing and growing! It seems like this summer was full of fun milestones, including the transition to big kid beds!

Jacob had pretty much physically outgrown his toddler bed, so it was definitely time to make the switch to a big boy bed this summer. If you know Jacob, you know he LOVES drawers. He was pretty excited to see his new bed has two huge toy storage drawers!

Jacob was so excited about his new bed, but unfortunately he ended up getting very sick during his first night in it and actually ended up sleeping in our bed for a few nights. Poor little guy had a terrible ear infection and ruptured eardrum. But after recovering he was back to his room and loving his new big boy bed!

While we weren't quite ready to switch Lydia from her crib to her toddler bed, she was so excited about Jacob's new bed that she insisted on getting in on the action. We didn't take Jacob out of his crib until he was three and had planned to do the same with her, but its worked out pretty well. She mostly stays in her new big girl bed. (Mostly.)

In true two year old fashion, Lydia threw a tantrum when I tried to take a picture of her first night in her big girl bed!

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